100 Mile Thanksgiving – a HUGE success!

This might have been the easiest Thanksgiving yet!

Here’s a peak at our 1st 100 Mile Turkey Day…


The box was brimming will fresh veggies and apples.

The box was brimming will fresh veggies and apples.

Peeling & coring the apples...

It takes two to operate this device.

This is where the fun starts!

This is where the fun starts!


Fresh apple pie with crumble topping...

Fresh apple pie with crumble topping…


My favorite, Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie!

My favorite, Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie!

Believe it or not, we enjoyed turkey and the best mashed potatoes and gravy too!

About lauramcd1231https://thesuburbanecologist.wordpress.comI am a rare species – a native of Fairfax County, Virginia, and a witness to the ever-expanding growth and development that has occurred over the past five decades. As the natural resources have dwindled, replaced by asphalt, roof tops and strip malls, my career path has developed and followed my passions; to preserve the unique ecosystem that is Northern Virginia and educate people along the way. An interest in nature started early in life when I would stand on my tippy toes next to my auntie who patiently watched with me to catch a glimpse of Northern Cardinals and Blue Jays eating seed from a backyard bird feeder. An appreciation for gardening and nature grew in high school when she worked at a local roadside plant stand. As an undergrad at George Mason University, I developed a unique curriculum and earned a degree in Urban Ecology. I am currently enrolled in the native plant certificate program at Mount Cuba. My husband Regan and I enjoy turning our 110 year home into a welcoming habitat for birds and butterflies.

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